Restaurant Outfitters & Commercial Kitchen Equipment

AutoFry MTI-40E Ventless Fryer


Regular price $20,794.00

Product Details

The AutoFry MTI-40E is a dual-basket floor model designed to meet the requirements of high-volume food service operators, capable of producing up to 8 lbs of product per fry-cycle with the simple push of a button (4lbs per side). Fully enclosed and automated, the AutoFry keeps employees safe from the internal cooking chamber while preparing food product to perfection each and every time. The MTI-40E provides the flexibility to operate each side independently and is available with a manual or automated oil filtration system.

  • Oil Capacity: 2.75 gallons per side (5.5 gallons total)
  • Cooking Capacity: 60-120 lb. French Fries per hour
  • Dimensions: 32" D x 36" W x 64" H
  • Construction: 16-gauge stainless steel
  • Electrical: 208/240 V, Single Phase

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